Enjoy rewards for visiting the Bull Moose and stay up to date on the latest happenings and events with us!
What does being a member of the CLUB do for me?
- Earn points for every purchase you make at the bull moose. $1 = 1 point.​
Redeem 150 points for $5 off your next check, or save 500 points to save $20 off your next check!​ We look up your account via phone number. If you're not a member, a server can sign you up! It's Free!
Every time you buy a regular priced burger, you get a punch on your punch card. After 10 burgers, get the 11th FREE. (NOTE: regular priced burger does NOT include our cheeseburger monday promotional burger.)
Stay up to date on all the latest promotions and events at the Bull Moose!
How does the Burger Club Work?​
With our Burger Club card, you get a punch for every regular priced burger you buy. after 10 punches, free burger!
Do you share my information with anyone?
Nope, stays with the Bull Moose. We won't share your info with anyone else.​​
What if I have a question not answered here?​​
Shoot us an email at info@bullmoosebar.com We'll get back to you!​